5 Tips for dealing with a nervous husband

The nervousness of the husband is a time bomb planted inside the house, it is the secret of the destruction of many families and disintegration and the establishment of internal psychological conflicts for the wife and children, and the nervousness of the husband because of the pressures of daily life at work or home, or simply because he is a nervous man can not control his emotions, The nervous home is always tense and the reactions are sharp and quick reactions without hesitation or thinking, which makes it not good to listen to his wife, creating an atmosphere of nervous tension, which can affect the children and cause them psychological situations Wa Fear and phobia of the nervous father who may destroy the marital relationship, and this nerve could be contained in the wife calmly and rationally to absorb the anger of the husband and his troubles.

In view of the seriousness of the case and the suffering of many wives, an ant hijacker carried out this investigation to find out how angry the wife of the husband had been and turned his anger to the satisfaction of enjoying a peaceful married life free of daily wrangling.
• Why get angry?"The main causes of anger should be identified, and the answer to the most important question is: Why should we get angry?" Says the psychologist and adviser on family relations, Khalid bin Raziq bin Marzouq al-Qurashi.The emotional component of the human being is joy or sadness, in addition to the physical and mental component, and the emotional state needs attention and care like the rest of the components, there are three roots of anger when it is compromised human exposure to anger, namely:1- Beliefs2. Values3. RequirementsIn general, when the husband is exposed to one of the aforementioned causes of anger, his anger was constant and present. As an Arab society, anger often arises from a lack of satisfying the needs of the husband, whether in bed, food or clothing, or beyond, such as his feeling of disrespect, Of his ability in front of the children or the family, and in many times the husband arises for the most simple reasons, which makes the wife puzzled, and ask: Why is it so and is not worth all this anger? While the wife is the main causes of anger husband was able to identify the real cause of his anger and easy to avoid in the future of their lives, and turn the anger to satisfaction. "• Negatives of the husband's husband on the environment and atmosphere of the houseThere are many disadvantages, especially: the constant tension of the family environment, which negatively affects the psychology of the wife and children, and this has serious consequences on the psychological level of the wife, also has a negative impact on the health of children When the child is born in an angry environment, he becomes less self-confident, more vulnerable to isolation and introversion, and may lead to depression or delinquency to negative behaviors such as drug addiction.• The wife is not the first accused of the husband's nervousnessSome wives, unfortunately, believe that they are the cause of the differences, and they blame themselves on the nervousness of the husband, but that is not the truth. Everyone is responsible, the husband is responsible for his anger, and if his anger is justified or not, , And before that meet all his needs as much as possible, and since life is a participatory environment is not competitive, the parties must learn anger management skills to enjoy a peaceful and reassuring life.• 5 tips to enable the wife to dissuade the husband:Family consultant Khaled Rizeeq points out that some wives complain about the husband's nervousness, which can not find a solution or treatment for them. What increases the differences is their inability to understand their husbands and absorb their nervousness and reduce them.To facilitate the life of wives, we remind them of the five most important tips that enable the wife to absorb the nervousness of the husband and his anger:1 - dealing with the real causes of the husband's anger and recognize it reduces a lot of it,It accepts the idea that there is no life full of problems and anxieties, no family living without a hangover.2 - The wife to be more discerning during the anger of the husband even if his anger is unjustified, it is not to exercise in his passion and give him the opportunity to say, and that the language of apology is clear and explicit with the value given and that the place of appreciation and prestige high.3 - The prior agreement that in the case of anger and the debate out of control, the debate is stopped until the souls calm down, and it must stop the dialogue in a smart way as if to say: "You are angry now and I appreciate your anger, but I will justify my position when you calm down because I love you and hurt you hurts Before it hurts you. "4 - not to enter other parties except in very narrow cases, the more anger inside the walls of the house facilitated control.5 - It follows that if a person is standing, he should sit down and sit down and lie down. It is taken from him that changing the place both inside and outside the house is very important so that the souls calm down and the emotional state returns to normal and then the discussion is calm and calm.
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